What's new (click the buttons)

version 0.6(LATEST):

-added audios

version 0.5:

-added 2 ad buttons (1 button is empty and you can claim it by dming Amirali#7524 by sending a pic of the button and the link that it should go to when cicking it)

version 0.4:

-added a pet that you can take care of!

version 0.3:

-Improved anticheat again (now you cannot right click to inspect elememt)

version 0.2:

-Improved anticheat(you cannot cheat when hovering over buttons)

version 0.1:

-added achievements

-added password (a secret page is only password encrypted)

currently known bugs:

-ads and audio being next to eachother and creating a mess (made them more clean with blank text,for now.)

-audio having a link

contact us here for bugs